Modena Pigeon Appearance, Origin & Uses


The Modena pigeon is an Italian breed of domestic fancy pigeon. It gets its name from the city of Modena in Italy, where it was first bred centuries ago.

Breeding the breed took many years of selective breeding. All domesticated pigeons are descendants of the feral or wild rock pigeon.

This breed is considered to be the best show pigeon in the world. The story of this breed begins in the early 1300s.

At the time, these birds were actually slim and small. Here is some more information about the Modena pigeon.

Also read: how to tell if a pigeon is male or female [easily]

Modena Pigeon Appearance

Modena pigeons are medium-sized birds with a very beautiful appearance. Breeders aim for it to have a striking, curvy shape with a prominent chest, raised wings and a high tail.

The overall impression of this bird is round and proud. Several different colors are available in two main varieties, Gazzi and Schietti.

A Gazzi bird has a pied marking in which the head, a portion of the throat, the wings, and the tail are colored, while the rest of the bird is white. Schietti is not pied.

The Modena pigeon's average height is 24 cm, and it weighs about 350 grams at maturity. Photo and information from RightPet and Wikipedia.

Uses of modena pigeon

Modena pigeons are show breeds. They are mainly raised for show.

Notes on Madonna Pigeon

Modena pigeons are very beautiful birds. Almost all of these birds are calm and gentle, making them excellent show birds.

However, some males can be aggressive. The stockier variety of domesticated pigeon sometimes experiences fertility problems.

In addition to raising the breed for show purposes, the breed makes an excellent pet. The average lifespan of these birds is about seven to ten years.

Please review the full breed profile of these birds in the chart below.

Breed Name


Breed Purpose

Exhibition, pets

Special Notes

Beautiful birds, calm and gentle in nature, excellent for show, males can be aggressive, good for raising as pets

Breed Class



Around 350 grams

Climate Tolerance

All climates

Flying Ability


As Pets






Country/Place of Origin


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