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Showing posts from November, 2021

Modena Pigeon Appearance, Origin & Uses

  The Modena pigeon is an Italian breed of domestic fancy pigeon. It gets its name from the city of Modena in Italy, where it was first bred centuries ago. Breeding the breed took many years of selective breeding. All domesticated pigeons are descendants of the feral or wild rock pigeon. This breed is considered to be the best show pigeon in the world. The story of this breed begins in the early 1300s. At the time, these birds were actually slim and small. Here is some more information about the Modena pigeon. Also read: how to tell if a pigeon is male or female [easily] Modena Pigeon Appearance Modena pigeons are medium-sized birds with a very beautiful appearance. Breeders aim for it to have a striking, curvy shape with a prominent chest, raised wings and a high tail. The overall impression of this bird is round and proud. Several different colors are available in two main varieties, Gazzi and Schietti. A Gazzi bird has a pied marking in which the head, a portion of the throat, the w

how to tame a pigeon (Domestic and wild)

  Found a pigeon in your backyard? But don’t know how to tame it? Don’t worry in this guide you are going to learn how to tame a pigeon domestic or wild. Follow these tips below to Tame a domestic or wild pigeon For easier taming, adopt or buy young pigeons Taming young birds is easier if you adopt them or buy them. It will take them less time to adjust to you and your home if they are young. Young birds will only ever be familiar with you and your space, and shouldn't have to overcome any bad experiences with previous owners. The mature domesticated pigeon will eventually learn to trust you, but they may need a little more time and patience. Pick pigeons in pairs or groups to keep them happy Pigeons are social birds that need constant companionship. Pigeons that mate will be together for life if they choose to court and mate. Keep at least two birds. If you have space, consider raising a small flock of four to six pigeons. If you end up with a mated pair, you may need to prevent b

pigeon keeping guide for beginners

  Pigeon keeping can be a little overwhelming, if you don’t know what to do, that's why In this guide you are going to learn some beginners tips for pigeon keeping pigeon keeping for beginners Taking care of pigeons involves providing all their basic needs and keeping them safe. Pigeons are susceptible to all kinds of predators, so if you keep them outdoors, make sure that local wildlife or loose cats and dogs can't make them dinner. Pigeons can live for as long as 20 years with good care. Housing for pigeons: One or two pigeons may be kept in a large cage in your house if you have just one or two. You should keep the cage out of direct sunlight and away from drafts, as well as any cats or dogs who live in your home. A cage for your bird should be at least 2 feet high by 2 feet wide and 2 feet long, but a larger cage is preferable. Clean the cage every day. Spray Viraclen regularly in the pigeon's cage. You can also keep racing or homing pigeons in an outdoor pigeon coop or

What is the difference between dove and pigeon? [Explained]

Like most bird keepers if you are also not able to find any difference between dove and pigeon then keep reading this article because in this article we are going to tell you ways to find the difference between dove and pigeon Here are some difference between dove and pigeon Doves are typically depicted as white adorable birds with olive branches in their mouths, a symbol of world peace. What if I told you that doves can also refer to those ubiquitous rock pigeons that are found throughout Singapore?  Pigeons and doves are both members of the same family of birds (Columbidae), which includes more than 300 species. Despite similar features like thick and round bodies, short necks, and thin peaks, doves tend to be smaller in stature while pigeons tend to be larger. Perceived “Differences” Between Doves and Pigeons Before we jump into the next section let me just clarify, pigeons and doves are the same things. However, many people perceive them to be different based on a variety of factor

Jacobin Pigeon Characteristics, Origin & Uses

Pigeons of the Jacobin breed are domestic fancy pigeons of Asiatic descent. This breed originated in India and was developed over a long period of time through selective breeding. Let's know about Jacobin pigeon in detail: Jacobin Pigeon Characteristics, Origin & Uses Known for its feathered hood over its head, it belongs to the Asian feather and voice pigeon group. Breeds such as this, as well as other varieties of domesticated pigeons, descend from feral or wild rock pigeons. It is a very old breed and its head is completely concealed behind its magnificent hood of 5-6 long feathers. The breed was named after an order of French monks renowned for their distinctive hoods. Since the Jacobin pigeon was developed in the 1500s, breeders have been captivated by it. Find out more about this breed below. Also read: Indian fantail pigeon Jacobin Pigeon Appearance In appearance, the Jacobin pigeon is a small to the medium-sized bird. Fluffy feathers give the impression that this bird i

Indian fantail pigeon | Fantail Pigeon Characteristics, Origin & Uses

Indian fantail pigeons are among the oldest and most well-known breeds of domesticated fancy pigeons. They are beautiful and very popular. Its tail is shaped like a fan. It is thought that the breed originated in either China, India, Pakistan, or Spain. The breed has many sub-varieties. Among the sub-varieties of this breed are the Indian Fantail, English Fantail, and Thai Fantail. As one of the examples in the first chapter of On The Origin Of Species, Charles Darwin used it. Find out more about this breed below. Fantail Pigeon Appearance A Fantail pigeon is an average-sized bird with an attractive appearance. This bird is easily identified by its fan-shaped tail, which consists of 30-40 feathers, abnormally more than the other members of the pigeon family, which usually have 12-14 feathers. The fantail pigeon, the pigeons of the tail, characteristics of the fantail pigeon, the pigeon's origin, taming of the fantail pigeon, and its size Silky is a feather mutation that results in