
What's the difference between high flying and low flying pigeons ?

Are you confused between high flying pigeons and low playing pigeons? they both look identical but still, there are many difference between high flying and low flying pigeons 

difference between high flying and low flying pigeons

The most important factor of defining a flying pattern is the max altitude of flying pigeon. It means the maximum height that pigeon takes while flying, area of pigeon’s flight and if pigeon performs particular moves while flying. These three factors define the flying pattern of pigeons. Below are the types of different flying patterns of flying pigeons. Kindly be noted that no exhibition of fancy pigeons is included in this list as we don’t consider them flying pigeons and there must be some more flying patterns that you have seen. Don’t afraid to tell us by commenting on the article. If you have any video link for justification or picture do share its link with us too.

Types of different Flying patterns of flying pigeons

Difference between high flying and low flying pigeons

High Flying pigeons:

High flying pigeons are the one that starts flying from the ground without taking any round and goes as deep in the sky that human being cannot see them by naked eyes. They never take around on the loft area they just float in the sky by making the round motion of their wings. They have extra flexible elbow joints that provide them extra stretch in the wing. Therefore, their wing from the elbow joint goes above the head while flying. They are considered endurance flying pigeons. They can stay for long hours in one position. These kinds of high flyers typically belong to Ukraine and they are called scutters.

High Flying Tumbler pigeons

High flying tumbler pigeons are actually a mixture of high flying and tumblers. There are two common properties in both of them. They both fly in kits and never fly in circles. The only difference is that they are high flyers that also tumble not exactly like rollers but they do tumbler while landing or some of them also tumbler while rising up. This quality can be also seen in some roller pigeons which we will discuss later. High flying tumbler pigeons typically belong to Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, India, and Pakistan and even from some areas of the EU.

Another Non-kit High flying Tumblers:

This particular pattern can only be seen in Pakistani High flyers. I think it happened due to different mixtures of breeds. Pakistani pigeons are the only one that has entirely different color patterns and body structures. This is definitely due to the history of humans in this region. There were so many people that conquered this area and of course India. In which, British, Arabs, and also people from Russia are included. They must come here with their local breeds that actually evolved as Pakistani High flyers. They definitely have the closest relations with India and Iraqi pigeons. Whatever the reasons are, now this breed is available in a totally different flying pattern. Pakistani High Flying pigeons are non-kit flyers. They go deep in the sky while flying in a circular even straight flying style. Some of them do tumble while climbing up or coming down. These pigeons remain out of sight in 90% of their flying duration.

Roller Pigeons:

These pigeons belong to UK, EU, and many other regions. They have the best rolling abilities during flight. They are kit flyers but do not have enough stamina to stay in the air for long hours. The highest level bred pigeons may able to fly till 2 to 3 hours max. They are judges at the ability to roll in the sky. Sometimes the whole kit rolls at the same time in backflip position. There is also a sub-class of these pigeons that are called ground rollers. They don’t fly they just roll even on the ground.
There is also similar flying patterns can be found in Iran but they have better flying abilities than typical roller pigeon.

Distance flying Pigeons / Racer Pigeons

Distance flying pigeons also are known as racers or homer pigeons are the strongest type of homing pigeons breeds. They fly in kit forms at very low altitude but at very high speed. These pigeons have extraordinary abilities to recognize their home from a long-distance like even from thousands of kilometers they can come back to their home in hours. These pigeons used to be a postman in times and used to help human beings in sending or receiving letters. Now pigeons racing is the most renowned sport in the world.


  1. How to identify high flyer pigeon over low flyer pigeon

  2. Simple steps
    Firstly look his eyes high-flying pigeons mostly have small pupil lowflyers have big
    Second his wings etc so many ways

  3. Can we say a pigeon is a highflyer by its appearance??

  4. Yes a professional can guess by appearance but for novice flying pattern is the only true identification trait of the breed. Being said that High flyer are usually seen as longer cast, longger winged, have a short stockier neck, bulging chest and a overall byount appearance.
    At least tgis is what we follow during breeding and selecting High flyers in Pakistan

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